Central Authorities under the EU Regulation n° 4/2009
AUSTRIA Bundesministerium für Justiz (Ministry of Justice) Website |
BELGIUM Service Public Fédéral de la Justice (Federal Public Service of Justice) E-Mail: info@just.fgov.be |
BULGARIA Министерство на правосъдието1040 София, ул."Славянска"1 (Ministry of Justice) Ulitsa Slavyanska 1 1040 Sofia Bulgaria Tel 00359 2-9237555 Fax 00359 2-9870098 E-Mail: Е_Gyurova@justice.government.bg M_Parvanova@justice.government.bg Website |
CROATIA Ministarstvo socijalne politike i mladih (Ministry of Social Policy and Youth)Savska cesta 66 10000 Zagreb Croatia Telephone: +385 1-5557111 Fax: +385 1-5557222 Contact Person: Marija Stojević, dipl. iur. E-Mail: ministarstvo@mspm.hr Website |
CYPRUS Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης και Δημοσίας Τάξεως Senior Administrative Officer: Elli Kanari-Morphaki Adminstrative Officer: Troodia Dionysiou |
CZECH REPUBLIC Úřad pro mezinárodněprávní ochranu dětí Tel 00420-543-215522 |
DENMARK Statsforvaltningen Syddanmark E-Mail syddanmark@statsforvaltning.dk |
ESTONIA Justiitsministeerium (Ministry of Justice Tel +372 6 208 183 |
FINLAND oikeusministeriö/justitieministeriet Tel +358-9-1606 7628 |
FRANCE Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs)27, rue de la Convention CS-91533 75732 PARIS Cedex 15 France Telephone: +33(0)43-179199 Fax: +33(0)43-178197 E-Mail recouv-creances-alimentaires.fae-saj-pdp@diplomatie.gouv.fr |
GERMANY Bundesamt für Justiz (Federal Office of Justice) Tel +49(0)228-99410-40 |
GREECE Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης (Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights - Department of International Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters) Tel +30(0)210-7767312 |
HUNGARY Közigazgatási és Igazságügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Public Administration and Justice of the Republic of Hungary) Tel +36-1-795 4846 |
IRELAND Minister for Justice and Law Reform Fax +353 1 4790201 |
ITALY Ministero della Giustizia - Dipartimento per la Giustizia minorile (Department of Juvenile Justice within the Ministry of Justice) Tel +39 06 68807087 |
LATVIA Uzturlīdzekļu garantiju fonda administrācija Tel +371-67 830 626 |
LITHUANIA Vilniaus valstybės garantuojamos teisinės pagalbos Tel +(8 5) 264 7480 Public bodies LT-09318 Vilnius Tel +(8 5) 272 8081 Fax (8 5) 265 3984 E-Mail info@vif.lt |
LUXEMBOURG Parquet Général (Central Authority) Tel +352-47-5981-336 |
MALTA Department for Social Welfare Standards (Ministry for Education, Employment and the Family Tel +356 2278 8000 |
POLAND Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości (Ministry of Justice Tel +48-22 239 08 70 |
PORTUGAL Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça (Directorate-General of Justice Administration) Tel +351-21 790 62 00 |
ROMANIA MINISTERUL JUSTIȚIEI (The Ministry of Justice Tel 0040-372041077 |
SLOVAKIA Centrum pre medzinárodnoprávnu ochranu detí a mládeže Tel +4212 20 46 32 08 |
SLOVENIA Ministrstvo za delo, druzino, socialne zadeve in enake moznosti Tel +386(0) 1 369 77 00 |
SPAIN Ministerio di Justicia (Subdirectorate for International Legal Cooperation Contact Person: Maria Isabel Hérnandez Collado, Head of Service for International Maintenance Payments |
SWEDEN General questions and questions regarding policy decisions: Försäkringskassan Tel + 46 (8) 786 90 00 All Applications and requests for assistance in specific cases: Försäkringskassan Tel +46 (771) 17 90 00 |
THE NETHERLANDS Landelijk Bureau Inning Onderhoudsbijdragen (LBIO) Tel +31(0)10-289 4895 |